Monday, August 07, 2006

1 The plunket nurse who came to visit and was able to tell me I was doing a good job and how much Daniel weights now

2 my trusty sneakers who walk so many kilmetres a week

3 An early night I stayed up too late last nite

4 the lady at Billy's school whom was talking about the fact that she doesnt like shop brought fish n chips she only eats homemade fish n chips she indirectly gave me the motivation to cook this for our dinner tonight

5 Lastly I think the below peom sums up the last thing I am grateful for tonight

Thank God for dirty dishes
They have this tale to tell
While others may go hungry
We are all eating well
With home and health and happiness
I wouldn't want to fuss
For by the stacks of evidence
God has been so good to us!
Author Unknown

1 comment:

Amy said...

I like your list of blessings, hope you don't mind if I do the same for my friday five this week.