Friday, August 04, 2006

Being a mummy with 13 years experience as well as the early childhood training I undertook there are a number of things that I allow Daniel to do that I didn’t with my older 2 children. Last night about 5pm for example I allowed Daniel to play with the things in one of my kitchen cupboards. My older two were never given this experience and Daniel loved it. It kept him occupied for quite a while. Billy was shocked and complained about the washing it would cause. I fixed that - I put everything Daniel played with in an empty cupboard and have decided that, that is Daniel’s cupboard.


Melany aka Supermom said...

I have always let my kids play with the tupperware. They love it :) Spoons, pots and pans are a favourite too lol

Unknown said...

you're such a good mommy. i'm with billy on the washing lol. i actually don't have enough cupboards to let the kids have one though.

Sarah said...

I have finally let Abigail have one drawer of her own in the kitchen. She still tries to open all the drawers and pull everything out, though! When she does that, I redirect her to the bottom drawer, and show here that it's the one she can play in.