Sunday, August 06, 2006

Book Meme got it from here

1. If the last book you read could talk, what would it say about you?
I didnt know you liked horses??
to which I would reply they scare a little but Im reading this as its a throughtly reccommended book
by the end of the book it would say wow you have come along way you have a much better apprication of horses now and would even love to conquer your fear with the help of someone

2. If you could write a book, what type would it be (mystery, sci-fi, biography, historical, romance, etc.)
probably about children maybe like this lady I read a couple of books when training to be a kindy teacher and I love watching as well as playing with little children

3. Your favorite author has said they will answer one question from you. What would you ask?
Danielle (Steele) your books are so wonderful do any of books reflect your own experiences in your life?

4. Is your favorite author living or dead?
alive as far as i know

5. If you could own any signed, first edition what would it be?
I actually have a first signed edition of a book and any others would be warmly recieved


Amy said...

oooh I'm also a fellow bookworm so I'm gonna give this a go later in the week.

Anonymous said...

a worm in the book my gawd (bookworm), is this a followup from the worm farm and food section below?


Jen and family said...

cool Amy
I'll look forward to reading your one