Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The dog I made at playgroup
the children and their mums made their own ones with my help

at playgroup we have turns over the weeks of doing morning tea, reading a story, doing the activity, singing with the children
I really like the playgroup we go to
Daniel is the youngest but we love it anyway :)


Anonymous said...

does daddy get a dog too? its kinda cute I must say.

Amy said...

hey that dog is pretty cool!

Jen and family said...

thanks you guys :)

Mall Worker said...

Thats a cute dog!!

Jana B said...

I had to look at your profile and see where on earth you were from, when I saw the comment about morning tea! LOL I know I've been on your blog before but I don't remember little details like that. :)

Kali said...

Hi Jen ~ so glad to hear that you're feeling better!
heh heh, the puppy is so cute, well done...play group sounds like fun and I'm glad you guys love it so much. :)