Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Email Meme

1. Do you use email much?
Yep :)

2. When did you start using email?
when I started on the internet 2002

3. How many email addresses do you have?

4. If you could send an email to your favorite actor or musician, who would it be and what would you say to them?
Tom Cruise I still havent seen any photos of his new baby :(


Anonymous said...

1. Do you use email much?
lots better than snail mail

2. When did you start using email?
used it for 7 years now

3. How many email addresses do you have?

4. If you could send an email to your favorite actor or musician, who would it be and what would you say to them?
Phil Collins, and I would say, gidday or Kia Ora mate when you coming to New Zealand the land of long white clouds

the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

Hi Jen, You have a nice blog! :-)

Jana B said...

Tom Cruise or Sean Connery... I don't think I could choose!!!!! I'd send to both :) Though... text from Sean would probably not have as much effect, since it wouldn't have his accent!

Amy said...

wow you have 64 email addresses? dunno about tom cruise though, I think he's gone a little potty lately

Anonymous said...

farout 64 email addresses, mmm I only get 1 from your 1 email address, why 64???

Bit of a handful to monitor and filter and delete spam and a loooooot of reading I must say.

Jen and family said...

was gonna say good reply Muzzie till u decided to have me on about my addresses
they are family, coffee group, blog friends - very important for those special private blogs u get occasionally - photos of the boys, and so the list goes on