Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Feeling dreadful today

Started off ok
went to playgroup did activity with the kids made dogs
at 11am had to take Daniel to the doctors (a specialist) normally I would know the right road but today coming from a different direction got lost and couldnt remember where the heck I was suppose to go to get to the right road
went into another doctor's surgery and told them my dilemma
they rang and told the right doctors i was running late
Muzz came and picked us up from where we were
finally got there 10 minutes late
I dont like being late for appointments
sat in the waiting room where the nurse went on about how the medical centres should be connected instead of in two different locations
started crying unbeknown to her and I think Muzz
left Daniel with Muzz and walked back in the rain to get my car
I needed the walk
thought it would help
didnt much

I know what Ive done and Ive done it before
one would think I would learn but I dont
I was just saying to the plunket nurse yesterday that I am walking an hour a day now and that I feel great
maybe I dont need to keep taking my antidepression tablets

Im ok until I am put under pressure
even if thats self impossed pressure
then it hits me like a pile of bricks

now and since this morning at 11.30am
I feel yuk
my body is screaming at me
my heads fuzzy
my lips are tingying
it needs those tablets

Im going to go and get them after I pick Billy up from school
I have a repeat script at the chemist waiting for me

In the meantime Muzz has taken Daniel for a couple of days
He's been wanting to have Daniel for a while now
while we were packing his car up with all of Daniel's bits and pieces
the next door neighbour came out and offered to take Billy this afternoon if I wanted her to
Im not in a good way
but I have good friends and family
I'll be ok

Another good thing is that tomorrow morning at craft I will be able to work with out interuptions from my loving little fellow


Amy said...

oh dear, so sorry you've had a rough day, Muzz sounds like a gem of a man to take your youngest for a while and so does your nice neighbour, praying for you here :-)

Kali said...

Dear Jen, I'm so sorry to hear about how you're feeling. I hope that with the kids off your hands for awhile and some time to yourself you will start feeling better. Also with your medication...please take them if they help you, that's what they're for.
You are a lovely lady and I pray that you will be feeling better very, very soon.
Hugs (:

Melany aka Supermom said...

Sorry about that rough day. Do go back on your meds. There is no shame being on anti-depression meds

Jen and family said...

thanks u wonderful friends
luv ya all
yep im back on them and im ok again now thanks

Mall Worker said...

I'm so sorry that you're having such a rough time! I'm glad to see in your above comment that you are okay again!